Thursday, September 20, 2012
New Canvas
New canvas painted today. Will get better picture up when I get back. It is off to Tomorrow's Heirlooms where Pam will work her magic and have a class with it this fall.
Hope you enjoy! Ebeth
New Mermaid
She is packed and ready to go to the West Coast tomorrow. We will be using Golden glass bead medium on the tail of the mermaid and painting over it with acrylic inks. Everyone gets to draw on the face and apply the hair.
Teaching the Maritime Sewing Box with Cindy Dixon at Sit N' Stitch in Sunny California.
Have a great weekend and I hope to be posting on Facebook and Twitter over the weekend. Maybe on the blog too.....we shall see. Ebeth
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Winston and our discussion
Winston and I just finished having a discussion about how his lack of opposable digits made it impossible for him to make a splash in the current world today. I totally agreed with him. I think you need the ability to adapt, be positive and have those every useful polley/pollical opposable digits to 'make it' today. So, in saying that, I am ever hopeful that I will 'make' my mark on the world soon, since I have a thumb or thumbs up on Winston at the moment.
Have a great day and use those opposable digits for some stitching today.
PS-If you are ever so lucky to meet Winston in person, please do not discuss his lack of pollex with him. It is a touchy subject. By the way, Winston is a Corgi-if you were wondering.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
More Pictures of The Dauphin House Box
I got the pictures in for the inside of the box.....enjoy!
The scissors and the mother of pearl ruler are from Kelmscott Designs.
See the previous post for pictures of the outside of the box. I will repost new pictures later this week.
New Release 1807 Tulips
Here is a new release that is adorable! I already have it up on my wall going up the stair way. It is a quick stitch on 35 count Straw by Weeks Dye Works using threads from Weeks Dye Works and The Gentle Art. I am printing the orders now and will be shipping to Hoffman Distributing and Norden Craft as soon as I get them done.
I hope you are having a great week and that your weather is as wonderful as ours here in 'Hot 'Lanta'.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Celebrations of Needlework Midwest
For those of you who are attending Celebrations of Needlework Midwest I would like to let you know that The Sheperd's Needle will have my newest charts for sale in her booth/room. For those of you who are close to St. Charles, Missouri and you do not know about this event, please got to the Celebrations of Needlework website and check out the information. There is something for everyone at this event.
Again, I want to thank you for your support and keep those needles moving! Ebeth
Saturday, September 1, 2012
New Teaching Piece Dauphin House Sewing Box
I excited to show off my new teaching piece. It is based off an historic house on Dauphin Street in Alabama. The linen is 32 count cream that is coffee dyed and then stitched with threads from The Gentle Art and Weeks Dye Works. The roof is made from GingerBread Hounds Tooth from Weeks Dye Works. The roof opens up and on the pitched sides of the box there are sheaths for a pair of storkette scissors and a mother of pearl ruler from Kelmscott Designs.
The linen can be sent ahead of time and the group can coffee dye the pieces and then the construction part can be taught in class. The box has vintage mother of pearl buttons on the bottom and the lining is over dyed muslin/weavers cloth. There are magnets to hold the scissors and the ruler in place. Magnets are also used to keep the roof in place.
I am in the process of designing more delightful houses with a historical house theme. I also have sketches for another set....think pumpkins and witches. You got it! There will be a Salem witch grouping.....I am off to do more desiging...Drop in to keep up with what I am doing.
I will be teaching the first part which is coffee dyeing the linen on October 23, 2012 in Hunstville Alabama. The second part which will be the finishing will be March 26, 2013 in Huntsville Alabama. This is an EGA Group. Please contact Becky Hamilton at for more information.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
New Release Flower Pot Set
Flower Pot Set is being released in the next week or so. I am waiting for orders from Hoffman Distributing Company Inc. and Norden Craft. This set was designed to hold Flower Pot scissors from Kelmscott Designs.
The set was stitched on 32 count Vintage Maple Syrup by Lakeside Linens. with threads from The Gentle Art, Weeks Dye Works, Gloriana Threads and Access Commodities. The fob was created with wool from Weeks Dye Works.
This is a cute and fancyful set. Keep an eye out for it's debut with Hoffman Distributing and Norden Crafts.
Thank you again for all your support!
Friday, August 17, 2012
Ode to Nancy Poe
It is with great joy and sadness that today I hang a lovely new needlepoint piece on the wall in my bedroom. It is 'St. Basil's Cathedral' by Carol Lake stitch by a dear friend of mine Nancy Poe. Nancy died of brain cancer in 2010 and was a great friend and confidant of mine for years. Nancy only lived about 1 1/2 months after being diagnosed with her brain tumor. She met death with grace and bravery. She kindly gave away parts of her stash, partially stitched pieces and finished pieces to many of her friends before she died. Nancy asked me to pick out from her stash things that I wanted on one of the many visits that I had with her before her death. I was uncomfortable doing this. I finally told her that I did not want to be rude, but I did not have a lot of personal stitching time and that I really would prefer something finished by her. I got a grouping of cross stitch flowers and a lovely needlework piece. I do not know the designers or names of the these pieces. Nancy then had her daughter go up and get 'St. Basil's Cathedral' out of her stash and she gave it to me. It was not framed and as we all do, I put it up with the intent of getting framed. I decided this past week that I needed to honor her and get this piece on my wall. So Isa and I went to the framer and we picked out all of the pieces to make this piece sing. I just picked it up today at 1:00pm on August 17, 2012 and came straight home and hung it up on my wall. I cried at the framers, on the way home and when I hung it on the wall. Now I have a great feeling of peace and know that she is pleased that this piece is finally 'dressed' and has a home to be seen and enjoyed.
If it has been awhile since you have hugged a friend or told them that you love them and appreciate them, stop what you are doing now and do it! Remember to always appreciate the bonds we make in this world. Hopefully they will carry over when we are gone and get to see them again.
Hugs- Ebeth
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Today has been a rainy day in Atlanta. This is the second day the kids have been in school.
I have spent the day finishing up with a new piece. It will be released in a couple of weeks. Yes, I am on a roll. I have several other pieces in the pipeline. Pictures will be forth coming.
Well, I am off to finish printing an order.
Thank you for stopping by.
Monday, August 13, 2012
Hearts and Flowers for Italy
In July I got an email through Facebook from Nicky of Nicky's Creations. She requested for me to design something small so that the Italian Designers can sell a folder of charts at the Formigine Market in September 2012. The procedes will go to the Earth Quake victims of the big Reggio Emilia earthquake. There will be French, Italian and American designers donating their talents to this project. Please contact Niky at nicoletta.farrauto@alice if you are interested in pre-ordering this folder. The price will include shipping. You need to contact her before the market in September to order your folder.
Please help support this project!
Please pass the word around so that we can show our support for these victims.
Hugs Ebeth
Just spoke to Niky-You need to get with her this week. August 13, 2012 to order your folder.
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Introducing English Adam and Eve
Yes, I know these guys are modest. I have had a few request to have a clothed Adam & Eve. So, here they are. This is a quick piece to stitch and rather quaint and there is no over one. I repeat no over one. I know you can pick yourself off the floor now.
I am sending information to Hoffman Distrituting and Norden Craft this weekend. So, hopefully it will be out in the next week or so.
I am also going to post pictures this weekend of the piece I created that will be sold in Italy to help the Earth Quake victims over there. I am going to see if I can get information on how you can get the packet of charts from the lovely and wonderful ladies in Italy. They asked several designers, some in America and others in Italy to design small pieces that can be put together in a folder and sold over in Italy to raise funds for the children that have suffered in the Earth Quakes.
Have a great weekend.
Check out In Stitches Shop Blog-Whoo Hoo
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Adam and Eve
Adam and Eve are ready to go out and meet the framer today. After some errands they will get measured and will be ready to pin mount today. Hopefully they will be photographed in the next couple of days.
They are English by decent and are clothed. They asked to be presented in a modest form. So for those of you who like the naked versions, there will be another one coming out later in the year.
Will post pictures later when they have been pinned and shot.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Stitching away
I am working on several pieces, but no pics at the moment.
Just finishing up with an order to Norden Craft.
Summer is really starting here in Georgia, but the school system insists on starting soon. It is really too hot for the kids, but you know governement, they always know best. Or sometimes they just do things just because....same with big business. I am off my rant.
Well, I am off to pack up the order and to stitch. May drag the kids to the pool again today. We shall see. Winston is trying to find a cool place in the house to lay down and have a nap.
Ta for now. ebeth
Friday, July 27, 2012
Heart and Flowers for Italy
I just finished stitching and finishing a ruler holder and pin cushion/scissor holder to be sold to help the Italian earth quake victims. I am finishing up with the instructions and I will post pictures tomorrow.
It was a great learning curve for me. I have been trying to figure out how to keep the Mother of Pearl rulers in their sheaths. Ruler and scissors for the set are from Kelmscott Designs. I finally figured out how to get magnets to work with non-metal items....I soooooo love it when I solve my own problems.
More to come this weekend!
Got to love it!
How great is it to be able to go with you kids and let them have fun and still get work done. Got to love it!!!!
It will be great to not be in the heat all day today-that was the only down side to yesterday. It was hot!
Warped Tour and Stitching
Recovering from being in the heat all day yesterday with the girls. We packed up and headed out early in the morning so we could one of the first people to get into Warped Tour.
This is the back of the girls as we just got into the park. They were trying to find Reverse Day Care for me. Well we found it, but it was a tent with a movie running and it was dark and and crowded. I was not going to be able to stitch, yes I was going to work on this off we went to find me some shade. The girls were worried that I would get lost during the day. It was funny to see them in reverse mode worring about where I would go if I was not parked somewhere or on a leash....
This is the girls in line at Sleeping with Sirens.
The view I had most of the day.
The new piece I was working on during the day. A new Adam and Eve and yes, they have their clothes on..... off to tackle the day. ebeth
Monday, July 23, 2012
Off Topic, But Maybe of Interest.
The kids and I went to an Annual Tools for School music event hosted by Robert and Sheri Pope. Rober is a member of Kona Music and they are a local band that plays an array of music. Robert had other musicians come over and share their talents for the cause. A great time was had by all. Robert cooked some fantastic food and the dessert table was wonderful. Kids, dogs, babies and adults all came together to enjoy an afternoon/evening of food, music and great company. Kudos Robert and Sheri!
Ebeth and kids....
I am getting dangerous. I have figured out how to add links to other sites and will be doing this to help you stay informed about subjects that are discussed on this blog. I would also like to add that I am going to slowly update my old posts and add links where they are needed.
I want to send a big thank you to all my supporters for purchasing 'Jumping Cat'. This is a popular piece and I am happy that so many people like this design. The American Series is up and going. I am working on George Washington and Benjamin Franklin at the moment. I hope to get started stitching on them soon. They should be out in the next couple of months.
Thank you again for your support and keep cool in this heat.
Release of Betsy Ross
Betsy is being mailed to Hoffman Distributing Company and Norden Craft today. Hopefully they will be in stock by the end of the week.
Betsy Ross was credited to helping George Washington design the flag for the United States of America in 1777. While some are sayig this never happened, it cannot be disclaimed that Betsy Ross was a flag maker/upholsterer and that she supported her family with this occupation all of her life. She has been quoted as saying that she 'never knew what it was to want employment.' In her time in history upholstery business owners not only upolsteried furniture they were also makers of flags. Besty Ross did make flags for a living during her life time can be considered a role model for women in the work force. Betsy supported her family through three marriages and seven children, two who died in infancy. She was not one to allow life to get her down. She should be applauded for her contribution to our country and her work ethic that she carried to her grave.
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Day in the Dames neighborhood
I had a wonderful day at the Giant Stitch In held by the Dogwood EGA Chapter. These girls work hard at making sure that we have a great time. So many wonderful things to get, the Stash to Stash was great. The Silent Auction was tantilizing with Jeannette and Ronnie going to a drawing to see who would win this lovely lap frame from England. Ronnie was the winner....I tried Jeannette...
I won a cute strawberry fob on a pair of scissors made and donated by Dorothy. Thank you my dear. I hope to post pictures tonight or tomorrow.
Well, I am off to work some more. A very grey and weird weather day here in the Hundred Acre Woods. We are having a Black Widow problem under the studio....hopefully that will be cleared up soon.
May you have a great stitching day! Ebeth
Friday, July 20, 2012
Stickers for the van
Just added stickers to the van. We now are covered if there is Zombie Attack. Always good to be Hello Kitty Approved...
To get your own Zombie Attack Stickers go to Amazon and search zombie stickers.
Thursday, July 12, 2012
It is quite like an icky Hundred Acres day here in Marietta. We had the Huffelumps and Woozels visit last night. The thunder and lightening was unbeliveable. I turned off the printers and the computer. I usually do not because I have them on a battery back up system, but it was so horrific that I felt I needed to do this. So off and unplugged they went....I have been waiting to see Piglet fly by or to see Pooh's bum sticking out of a Rabbit hole.
With the horrid weather is a horrid it has been PJ day here in the Hundred Acres woods. We are drinking tea, playing Playstation 3 games, computer surfing and finishing up some stitching. I think if I can press on-Betsy Ross may be shipped out tomorrow to be photographed....
Off to stitch, will keep you updated on the events of the weird and wonderful world of the Talledo's Hundred Acre Woods....
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Mini Workshop with EGA
I have been asked to teach Artist Trading Cards at the Dogwood EGA Mini Workshop in October 6, 2012. I am excited about this. We had a blast at the TVR Regional Seminar. Here are a couple pictures of the cards that I got completed. Enjoy. Ebeth
Busy working...
I got some paperwork and charting done today. Betsy Ross is almost finished. I have the quote and the banner to do then off to be photographed. I am working on a small piece to help with the earth quake victims in Italy. I will tell more this week.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
We are back!
The clan got back late Sunday night. I hit the ground running with pending work related issues. I am almost finished with Betsy Ross. I will try to post a work in progress picture by the end of the week. It is good to be home! We are getting much needed rain, but it comes with violent weather. Well I am off to answer another email and will be posting more soon. I tweeted the last two weeks about my trip....hope you enjoyed the tweets.
Address for more information about Sampler Consortium
I forgot to post the site information for Sampler Consortium. Thanks Ebeth
Request from Sampler Consortium
I just got a request from Sheryl De Jong for help on getting a book published on samplers. I am posting the request and information she sent. If you can help or would like more information about this project please contact them directly. Thank you Ebeth-
This is the information from Sheryl:
Would you or your Sampler Guild like to help the Sampler Consortium publish Gloria Allen’s latest book Columbia’s Daughters: Girlhood Embroidery from the District of Columbia? It’s very hard to get a publisher to publish a needlework book in these economic times, so let’s all chip in. Any amount is welcome. Send your checks to:
Sampler Consortium
1244 Walnut St., Suite 220
Eugene, OR 97403
Monday, June 25, 2012
I just got back from teaching at EGA SAS 32 in Kingsport TN. We had a blast creating Artist Trading Cards! I brought boxes and boxes of paints, stitching items and more. The class had fun creating and exploring new mediums. The ladies that hosted the event did a wonderful job. I send my heart felt thank yous to them....I tried to post while I was there. But I was in Verison Teritory and I could not get into my accounts.
I am packing and getting ready to leave for Shepherd's Needle where I will be teaching the Maritime Sewing Box at the end of the week. If you would like to ghost the piece let Ann know and that can happen.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Jumping Cat

Tuesday, June 19, 2012
New Series-to be released

Monday, June 18, 2012
Release of Class Piece 'Virtue on Display'
Monday, March 12, 2012
Teaching-Dogwood EGA
I had a wonderful time in my own back yard last week. The Dogwood EGA group hosted me to give a lecture and a finishing class.
I gave my lecture on Shaker vs Quaker sewing implements. It really is more of a lecture on how the two religions evolved. I always love talking about this subject. There is very little written about the women's work during this time period. One has to dig and piece the evolution on one's own. I have my theory that the Medallion Quaker samplers may have been the first 'Friendship' samplers that were stitched. But alas, unless one of the Quaker girls comes and makes a visitation to this time frame, or we figure out how to beam ourselves back in time, we will never know the answers to the mysteries of their needlework.
I got to teach the finishing for Zen Rabbit purse.
The ladies were a treat to teach. Several of the ladies changed the colors on their purses and added beads to their scissor sheaths. I always love it when people change up their pieces. Maybe when I can pursued them to send me pictures and I can post them.
Off to kit-Ebeth
I gave my lecture on Shaker vs Quaker sewing implements. It really is more of a lecture on how the two religions evolved. I always love talking about this subject. There is very little written about the women's work during this time period. One has to dig and piece the evolution on one's own. I have my theory that the Medallion Quaker samplers may have been the first 'Friendship' samplers that were stitched. But alas, unless one of the Quaker girls comes and makes a visitation to this time frame, or we figure out how to beam ourselves back in time, we will never know the answers to the mysteries of their needlework.
I got to teach the finishing for Zen Rabbit purse.
The ladies were a treat to teach. Several of the ladies changed the colors on their purses and added beads to their scissor sheaths. I always love it when people change up their pieces. Maybe when I can pursued them to send me pictures and I can post them.
Off to kit-Ebeth
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Nashville market was a blast. I got to visit with old and new friends and to show off the new items. Here is a taste of some of the pieces released. I am busy working on a new piece for a magazine and new teaching pieces. Stay posted. I teach at Nimble Needle in Atlanta this weekend. I worked up a stitch guide for a canvas for fur, beard and hair techniques.
I teach in town for the local EGA Dogwood group in Atlanta next weekend and it should be fun. I will go over my calendar tomorrow I hope. I will be with Deb Koch in Michigan in three weeks....So a very busy month....Yellow House Pin Cushion. This quaint and quick piece can be a small sampler or pin cushion. The instructions for finishing are included with the chart. The piece incorporates counted stitching with some embroidery. I think this is my favorite release for Nashville.
This is Blue House Sampler. This is my second fav for the new also has embroidery stitches mixed with counted work. I love the fact there are no features on the adds to the primitive look that I was going for. It is a quick piece and it would enhance any small nook that you have for a new sampler to hang.
I teach in town for the local EGA Dogwood group in Atlanta next weekend and it should be fun. I will go over my calendar tomorrow I hope. I will be with Deb Koch in Michigan in three weeks....So a very busy month....Yellow House Pin Cushion. This quaint and quick piece can be a small sampler or pin cushion. The instructions for finishing are included with the chart. The piece incorporates counted stitching with some embroidery. I think this is my favorite release for Nashville.
This is Blue House Sampler. This is my second fav for the new also has embroidery stitches mixed with counted work. I love the fact there are no features on the adds to the primitive look that I was going for. It is a quick piece and it would enhance any small nook that you have for a new sampler to hang.
Friday, January 13, 2012
Yellow House Pin Cushion
I love this new pin cushion. Sorry, bragging on myself. I love the muted colors. I know-I need to go brighter...but that is what the wool work is for.....
This will be released at Nashville the end of February.....It is a great mix of embroidery and cross stitch. And of course it has a ewe.....It would make a great framed piece to fit in a grouping if you do not want to make it into a pin cushion....
More to come....ebeth
This will be released at Nashville the end of February.....It is a great mix of embroidery and cross stitch. And of course it has a ewe.....It would make a great framed piece to fit in a grouping if you do not want to make it into a pin cushion....
More to come....ebeth
new teaching piece to be taught for Deb Koch's group
New piece that I will be teaching for Deb in March....hope everyone likes and quick. I did it in less than a day....ebeth
More South American Mermaid
Inside of the case. The moon and the stars were used as imagery in the indian culture. The catholic church allowed the imagery to be used to help bridge the cultures.
More information to be given on the cruise....ebeth
South American Mermaids
Here is the back of the piece that I will be teaching on the cruise with Sue Hillis and Claudia Dutcher next week.
I will post the rest of the pictures. This is a fun piece and there is a history about mermaids mixed with the catholic religion in parts of South America....but you have to take the class to get the information...ebeth
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