Monday, July 8, 2024

Revamping Pictures

 It seems that one never has enough time to get things done.....Life always is getting in the way of life.  I have been working on new pictures for products-You know me utilitarian and that is always not the best way to present..... 

Here are a few items that you can purchase from your local needlework shop or go to my Etsy .  You will never know what you will find in my shop.  

At the moment-well A long moment I am working on getting a direct sell site up and running.  Seems that there is a bit of muck to go through to get that done.  I will eventually be switching my over to a sell site that works.  With the help of a small team that has skills to do thig I will hopefully get this done.  You know me-the tortoise and possibly even slower to move into any new direction.

Enjoy the new pictures-I hope to put up some pictures of my past years travels-they are not quite needle related-but I hope you find them interesting.   Hopefully that will be soon.....Have a few tweeks to do on them and then will post.  If you are interested in some still photos and some reels that I have posted visit my instagram that is in my company name and my personal instagram and see what I have been up to.  Of course my FlossTube is quite silent.  But who knows.  Well off to do the magic-get those colors going and orders out the door.  Stay cool in the hot summer weather-love this time of year-wish it lasted longer.

Sweeney Red and Miguel's velvet with trim finishing packet

Well off to do my chemistry and magic.  Hope you have a wonderful day.  Ebth

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