Saturday, December 10, 2022

Do I see red????

Red has always been one of my favorite colors-we know I love designing silhouettes.  I am not sure how many times I have said it and will say it.  White on red is just stunning....I have others I have done-but I thought red for the day would work. 

Here is Merry Christams pin pillow.  You can use it on your tree or as a hoiday pin pillow-dough bowl.  Just keep imagining.  I so love to see people jump start off an idea, design or anything that I put out there.  It is so inspiring to share and grow with gifts given by others.

Here we have Mini Drum Christmas ornamnets.  These are a joy to stitch-yes there is over one.  But you can to Tent Stitch and it helps with the stitches bunching up.  These guys are wonderful.  If you do not want to make them into ornaments-then you can use them as pin drums.

This is Believe-a larger Winter Themed Christmas drum.  And yes-I seem to love the word Believe-I have several pieces with that in the name of the design.  I confuse myself at times and trust me that is not hard....

I so hope that you are finding time to enjoy the moment.  It is so hard these days and with the end of the year coming up and plans happening for the new year it is hard to take a moment and to just breath.  It is wonderful to document these moments, but in truth the memories are just as good or better.  The kids and I miss the photo opportunities a lot these past few years.  It seems with traveling in, working-trying to just relax and visit-the photos are the last thing we think of...
I will try to remember to get a photo or two this year.  Especially since if any of you follow me-my photo in Just Cross Stitch Magazine for my Christmas Ornament is not my children with me.  It is random people and I find it amusing.  Maybe next year I will put in a picture of someone else....

Anyway-I am off to do my usual.  Have a Red day-smiling.  Ebeth


Thursday, December 8, 2022

We have a theme


It seems that I am a series starter-and then I get squirrel ADHD or something.  Truly I do not have enough time in the day to keep things on track.  I do have Beth who helps me-but since the holidays I have had jury duty and her schedule has been whacko, so hopefully we can sync up soon.  I NEED THE HELP.  An adult nanny would be the perfect solution  Nanny McPhee I need you....

Here is Fish and Swan the second in a series I started a billion years ago.  It is great for grabbing that small piece of linen and any colors that you want to use if you do not have the ones called for or just feel like a change up.  These are quick and fun and a great gift.  Stitch a few up and have them at the ready to give to your stitching friend.  Or if you have a small family of borrowers living in your house-they may work as cushions for their couch....Yes, I am on form with the bad jokes today...

Another series I started.  Believe it or not the borders for the rest of the series-I just need to stitch and finish them.  The first started in Just Cross Stitch 2021 and went on....we shall see.

Now this Halloween Series is fine-I can add to it or stop.  It really started a billion years ago in a Just Cross Stitch Magazine.  I still sell the first one like crazy.  I am toying with adding a few more....I so love silhouettes.  It is like making a puzzle.  You have to manipulate the positive and negative space to give the image depth and detail....

Well, I am off to get things done-you guys know the drill....items available in my Etsy Shop.

I hope you have enjoyed the little stories....


Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Just rambling-no pictures

 Just wanted to drop in and thank you for following me.  I know that I can go into hiding at times.  It is hard to do as much as I is sorta hard to define what I do.  

I dye-not only linen, but trim and other fabrics.  I try to squeeze in designing here and there.  I sell wholesale and retail.  I hardly have time to sleep-no kidding.   

I am not sure if you are like me-but since the lockdown-I have been working on getting out there and making my life 'normal'.  That is hard when you work from home.  At first the lockdown was great-no change here.  But then stores changed hours, things got harder to find and time seemed to slip away.  I have learned how to shop at different times, go online more-which, if you have not purchased from a source before can be a little unsettling.  

A few of you might have known-but in March of this year 2022-I fell in my studio and had a fight with a bookcase and it won.  I broke my right shoulder.  With the help of a very good friend and many more-I was able to keep my business going and move through the event.  I was lucky and did not require surgery, but it was over a 9 month long PT event and I still have issues.  It weakened my body core-so I am doing Yoga like crazy and walking is a problem.  Who woulda thunk-that injuring your shoulder would cause so many other issues.  

I learned a lot on having others help me.  It was interesting teaching someone to help me dye, handle cutting linen and trim.  They definately decided there is no glam in this line of business.

The first of this year-I canceled all my events-before my shoulder injury.  I think the universe was telling me something.  I did add on a wonderful class in Texas in October and I managed to walk a show-Houston Quilt show as a buyer and got inspired to venture into other items to sell.  

I have fallen in love with Mister Finch and some other textile artist I have found during this weird times in our world.  I have started doing more textile arts and upcycling items.  I will share some of my mushrooms and other items that I have started doing in my 'spare time'.  

I just want to close this rambling with again, thank you for following me.  I hope to get more lives out there and share my thoughts and knowledge.  Please look for me popping up in a few magazines.  I have some designs coming out in them and am trying to meet a deadline for a personal dyeing article.  It is not to help you be a professional, it is all about starting off, being safe and a few tips to get you excited about trying dyeing.  

I have found that dyeing is like finishing.  After you do it once maybe twice you decide if you are going to go down that rabbit hole again or not.  Trust me both are not for the faint of heart.  I truly wish more designers gave their finishers the credit they deserve.  Being a true finisher is a talent not to be challenged.  It is the most amazing experience to start with nothing and to create a tangible item without any pattern or help.  Lots of times when one is busy creating and moving to the next deadline you deny yourself the moment of happiness and sense of accomplishment-to just sit back and say-I did that.  

Well, I am off to move items around-find missing things, dye, stitch and create.  Look for some pictures of some of my new creations.

Hugs-have a stellar moment-ebeth

Bees may be sleeping now-but their wax is still being used....


These are great items to have in your stitching nest or to give as gifts to your stitching friends.  Who does not love the smell of bees wax.  It always is a calming smell.  Here are a few of the wax items I have listed in my Etsy Shop....enjoy browsing...

Thread spool

Hanging Raspberry Waxer-waxer only.

Buttons-sold as a set. 

I have lots more-just slip over and check them out....

Well, off to handle holiday chores and dyeing-enjoy the moment.

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Looking for stitching gifts????

Stitchers love to share-here is a from the heart sharing.  These are the last of 2022 Nashville Retailer Cook Books.  These little gems are out of print.  

This book has great recipes and has a smathering of counted designs through out the book.  You can find it in my Etsy Store.  

More items to come-told you that I was moving things around.  

Me again....yes loose on the computer

As I am moving things around in the seems never ending.  A never ending orgaic room.  Never the same twice.  The office and dye area always look like they are ready to explod.  I have finally gotten the open space orgaized and almost presentable.  This year I decorated out in the common area with lights, wreaths, garland, a few nutcrackers and such.  I finally got the tree up in my bedroom.  It is almost complete.  I will post pictures of the holiday decorations later this week.  It was great to have Isa and Miguel help me with the main tree this year.  After the year of the broken shoulder-it has been hard to find the engery to get things done.  Who knew how much one area can affect the whole body....well so much about me.  
As I was digging around and cleaning up-I found these wonderful charts in my Etsy store.  As always you never know what you will find.

This lovely chart is from Thistles and it is so adorable there is no way it would be put up after the holidays.  It can be a constant reminder of giving and celebrating all year.

Who can resist Fairy Wool in the Wood's Ornaments.  They have an edgy classic look.  Too cute.  This is Christmas Tree Ornament 1

Fairy Wool in the Wood hit this one on the nail.  Who does not need a Frosty in their Christmas mix.  

Yes, I have been busy upcycling too.  This wonderfully quirky tree is made of wool and recycled salt cellar with red bead berries.  It is off center (just like me) and can sit out all year mixed with other figurines.  This item is also in my Etsy Shop.

Well, I guess I need to go finish ironing and moving items around.  I have a wonderful mushroom grouping that I hope to be able to debut this week.  It has been fun expanding my mushrooms to a grouping and into a container.  Creating the logistics and display of several mushrooms has been challenging and fun.  I am so inspired by the works of Mister Finch and other textile arist that I have been so lucky to find.  Look for me on my Facebook page Friends Who Like Dames of the Needle/Finger Work again-you never know what you will hear, see or find on this page.

Have a wonderful day-thanks for reading.  Ebeth


Monday, December 5, 2022

End of Year Looming 2022-23

Well, here we are in the brown faze.....Petrified Wood Bark-it comes in Chenille and Mini Pom Pom at the moment.  It is a slightly varigated color.  I do not do enough I added a few.  I am going to play around and see if it will work on other is always exciting to try new recipies...

Petrified Wood Bark Chenille 3 yard package

Ptrifies Wood Bark Min Pom Pom 1 yard package

These trims are available at your Local Needlework Shops or if you cannot find them there they are listed in my Etsy Shop.  As always my products are listed in Hoffman Distributing Company  They are wholesalers, but you can see what is available and get your local needlework shop to order what you need.

Now we come to a new linen color-yes, another primitive in the browns.  Truffle Pig-love the name.  Truffle pigs in Europe are a lovely shade of brown....some have these faded spots....I have been thinking of how I can have Truffle Pig with spots....Who knows.  But at the moment-just Truffle Pig.
This wonderful way of finding truffles is an art.  There are farmers that force grow truffles.  From what I have read-these forced grown truffles are not quite as good as wild grown truffles.  I just love the pigs-they are cute and smart.  Wonderful color-just look for it in my Etsy or get your local needlework shop to order the color.  It comes in all counts of linen and in Aida.... 

Truffle Pig linen-new color

The awaited release of When the Leaves Fall from Alma of Blackbird Designs.  This is another awe inspiring booklet with projects and finishing techniques to inspire any needlwork person.  It also includes the pattern of out of print Moonlit Garden.  Definately not a dissapointment.  This is also listed in my Etsy.

This little gem was released early this Fall 2022 by Beth Twist of Hearstring Samplery-This delighful booklet has so many projects and ideas-a true must for any sampler loving stitcher.  Beth always delights with her sense of design and adaptations of antique samplers.

Well, I am off to dye and get orders out.  I hope you are spending a few moments to breath and enjoy the season.  It is always bittersweet with the ending of the year and the start of a New Year.  

I will be back.....I have quite a few more items to discuss.



Monday, September 19, 2022

Bees Bees-

 New listing of bee's wax.  These are too cute for words.  Bee's Wax Strawberry fob, Pumpkin waxers and Thread Spool waxers.  They are listed in my Etsy- take a look- always trying to find new things to dye and add.  Ebeth

Strawberry Bee's wax fob

Pumpkin Bee's waxer sold as each

Thread Spool Bee's waxer

Great gifts and a must for your stitching nest.

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Old Top Hat has a sister color and more

 Yes-been working hard in the dye studio.  Old Top Hat has a lighter more 'vintage' used look sister color.  Sooooo-there is Old Top Hat and Vintage Old Top Hat....see below.  They come in all counts-just look for them in my Etsy Store.

Vintage Old Top Hat

Second look at Vintage Old Top Hat

Old Top Hat

Hope you like the variation!

Have I talked about my new color-probably-but here it is-You know I am a land locked Mermaid-right????  Well, Mermaid's Firewood is up my alley.  I love this color-it is brown, greyish and a hint of pink and yellow at times.  It looks like worn driftwood to me-hence-Mermaid's Firewood-what else would a proper Mermaid use for a lovely evening bon fire while sitting on a coastal shoreline surveying their domain....

Plus!!!!!!  You cannot have Mermaid's linen without Pom Pom and Crinkle Ribbon to go with it....what stylish Mermaid would be without accessories....More coming.

Mermaid's Firewood in Linen

Mermaid's Firewood in Pom Pom

Mermaid's Firewood in Crinkle Ribbon

Well, I am off to create and dye more things.  Have a lovely day.  Thanks for peaking in.  

Oh-I will be showing our class with Primitive Hare in October 2022-there may be an opening if you are interested. 

Hugs and thank you for your support.  Ebeth 

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Yes! I am teaching in Texas-Texan Style Tray Topper

 AFter a very different and interesting year.  Not sure I shared-but right between Nashville 2022 market and The Sampler Guild of Georgia annual Retreat.  I managed to fall and break my right shoulder -the ball in half.  Well, it has been a long recovery and with the help of friends I was able to keep the business going and move on.  It has been slow and I still have a few of those things hanging around that need to be taken care just seems like there is never enough time to get everything done.  

The universe had stepped in and I had canceld all my obligations for 2022.  I decided I needed to focus on getting things in line, so all my vendor and teaching obligationsfor 2022-I bowed out of.  Yes, things work out for a reason.  Literally after canceling everything the next day I broke my shoulder.  Well, if you have never done this and let the break heal without surgery, you know that it is a year long process.  It is September 2022 and I am still on limited picking up and so on.  

Well, if you know me-I cannot say no.  I am going to take a look see at the Houston Quilt Market in October of this year.  3 Stitches (281) 320-0133 asked for me to teach a class since I would be in the area.  So, on October 27th, 2022 I will be teach the finishing for Texan Style Tray Topper.  This piece will not be released at a later date.  3 Stitches will have the chart and do as they wish with it after this.  It is stitcher on my Mermaid's Firewood with an assortment of overdyed threads and finished with Mermaid's Fire Crinkle Ribbon and Mermaid's Osnaburg on the back.  Contact Pam at 3 Stitches at the phone number above to get your pre-stitching kit.  There are a few spots left.  I cannot wait to teach!

I also can design a similar design if your guild, shop or group would like to have a ruler tray topper in this style.

Well I am off to get my house ready for Isobel of Primitive Hare.  She will be in Atlanta for her only American teaching gig for 2022.  We are busy stitching her piece for her to come and teach the finishing October 21, 22, 2022.  We as of today September 8, 2022 have 2 spots open and then it is a closed class. . 

Pictures of the design from Isobel

Thanks for following and your support-Ebeth

Saturday, February 26, 2022

OMG-I am just dyeing and dyeing.....


Southern Pecan it is in linen, osnaburg and Rick Rack-chenille coming...

Hawaiian Nut - yes I named it that to learn how to spell Hawaiian-laughing.  It is in linen only at the moment.

Mermaid's Firewood-great brown with some grey undertones.  Just envision a lovely group of Mermaids gathering Driftwood and drinking a glass of Octopus Ink and sitting around a bonfire enjoying the evening....

All of these are great neturals that samplers and primitive pieces would look great on.

Keep looking-more to come...

OMG-almost forgot Mayflower Grey Crinkle Ribbon....I have a new piece coming out with this and I have an announcement regarding my ruler boxes....will be putting those out there later.  

Off to dye-pack and not go crazy....let's hope-well I am already there on the crazy-just keep it in check....Hugs and thank you for your support Ebeth

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Nashville 2022 sneak peaks


Small Red Hearts is a delightful design that uses covered floral wire to let the 'pin cushions' to be displayed in arrangments.  The orginials have magnets attached to the back of the hearts so you can attach needles, pins, and scissors.  What a delightful way to have your stitching implements by your side.  The pattern has the instructions to stitch and finish these delightful pieces.  Stitched on Sweeney Red 36 count linen with White Chantelly thread from Romy's Creations, Sweeney Red Velvet and Lush Meadow Chenille for finishing.

Now who does not need another box (laughing).  This classical sampler motif design was stitched with Weeks Dye Works threads on 36 count Americana Froth and Italian Custard Chenille to adorn the edge of the design.  Finishing and stitching instructions included with the pattern.  Information on what paint and how to paint the box are also included.

Red Tulip Ruler Box Lid and Strawberry.  Now who would not want this primitive two comparment ruler box with this lid that screams popping spring.  The design is from an antique sampler that I own (that is in the works being reproduced)  I just love the fact that the undulating row for the strawberries is red-not the traditional green.  As red is my fav color-that just kicks it up a notch.  Stitched on 32 count Aged Saffron, threads Simply Wool by The Gentle Art, Mater Samich Velet and Black Crinkle Ribbon to finish it off.  The 2 compartment Ruler Tray can be order from me Dames of the Needle.  A must for any stitcher.  Pattern has stitching and finishing instructions.

The lid has a lip so that it will stay in place when layed over the smaller compartment.  You can hide your mess if you need to.  Fun stitching accessory.

More releases to come.....this is just the beginning.  All patterns are winging their way to Hoffman Distributing Company, local needlework shops and my etsy.

Off to dye and create more-Nashville Needlework Show 2022 on our way.  

Hugs Ebeth

Saturday, February 12, 2022

Nashville Needlework Show 2022 and beyond.....

Hold on to your horses....there are things a brewing- #Nashville2022 and more to come

Yes, I have been designing between dyeing and finishing and well just breathing.  Here is #RedTulipRulerTrayLid I have added a strawberry so be ready for more pictures .  This an adaptation of a Sampler I own and that is almost finished being reproduced and the whole sampler will be released this spring 2022.  The #RulerTray can be ordered from your local needlework shop and I will have them available in my Etsy  Place your orders-there will be a limited amount of them at market and more to come.  

You guys have seen the Crinkle Ribbon-this is #MaterSamich.  I am so excited about this new product.  I have already used it on #RedTulipRulerTrayLid and the strawberry.  I cannot wait for you to see the strawberry.  I have also used the Crinkle Ribbon on a fall teaching piece.....I see this being used a lot.  It can be Ruched, as a tie-as a hanger and more....You can iron it out to straighten it, you can crinkle it more by wetting it and scrunching it up...a fun trim to play with.

#MaterSamichChenille -OMG-I cannot wait for a good Mater Heirloom Samich on white bread and mayo.....Yep showing my flip flop southern side.  It is best to eat this samich sitting on the beach mid day with the sun beating down. The tomato should have been sitting on the picnic table warming up before it is cut open and juice flowing everywhere.....

And we cannot leave out the ever popular #HoneyWhiskey here it is in #CrinkleRibbon this definately will cure the sore throat if not just make you feel good using it.  

Well-off to work-more linen to dye and instructions to print.  Please start contacting your local needleworkshops for pre-orders....Hugs Ebeth


Thursday, January 20, 2022

I did another thing

 Hey-can you believe it-more posts back to back than ever in awhile....hard to believe.  Well-I did a thing.  Been think about this since I have been painting and messing with other upcycling....I decided to add a gold dusting to the Pom came out wonderful.  It does make the Pom Pom a little more stiff, but it is way cool.  I started with Hot Santa and it is called Gold Dusted Hot Santa Mini Pom is a picture.  

This is in my Etsy
Under Gold Dusted Hot Santa in the Pom Pom section.  It will be in your local needlework shop soon.  

I hope that you are managing through our winter storms and mixes.  It is like a pig puddle in my yard now.  I am constantly cleaning the wooden floors from the muddy paw prints....

Well, I am off to get some items ready to dye.  Not sure if dyeing will happen today-raining again and that makes it hard to dry.  I have several items to finish and other things to do.  As usual-always behind.

Wishing you a wonderful day!  Hugs Ebeth

Monday, January 17, 2022

Link to my interview with Fiber Talk

 I would like to thank Gary Parr and Beth Fred for asking to interview me for Fiber Talk or this FlossTube link.  I have never been interviewed and Gary and Beth made it a joy.  Of course in my own I Love Lucy, Erma Bombeck, Stephanie Plum style there were a few hic ups-No-my mouth is sealed.  Just say I am not the most technologically advanced person.  I really appreciate their patience with me and making me feel at ease.  Please listen if you are so inclined and share-

Thank you again to Gary Par and Beth Fred from Fiber Talk.

Enjoy - off to work I go.....ebeth


Saturday, January 15, 2022

More new colors-dye pots working

Old Piano lover?  Know how the old ivories age with great golden/green patina....well imagine it on fabric....Hence Tickle the Ivory.  This great neutral color would work for a plethora of projects.
16 count Aida, 14 count Aida, 28 count Linen and 46 count Linen just listed in my Etsy Shop.

Off to create more goodies.  Ebeth


Saturday, January 8, 2022

NW Prim Stitcher's Retreat

 🎉🎉🎉Hold this date!🎉🎉🎉

NW Prim Stitchers' retreat will be Sept 16-19, 2022 in Missoula, MT. And we are very proud to announce Elizabeth Talledo of Dames of the Needle will be teaching. Plan to join us!
Details will be on our Retreat page at

Here is the link to the group that I will be teaching the pumpkin drum and how to make folk art pumpkins for in September of this year.

Here is the link to join the group and to get information about the retreat. I will be posting pictures of the teaching pieces this week.

Hugs Ebeth

Monday, January 3, 2022

Crinkle Crinkle Crinkle Happy New Year 2022

 Well-as usual-just working, working, working.  The weather has been so weird.  Rain and more rain-weather has been too warm and horrible storms.  Tornado watches and warnings now the temps have dropped and we got a skirt dusting of snow and it is just going to keep on coming.  My back yard is a river-but I am still kicking it with dyeing and trying to catch up with getting items in when they are available and so on....Here is a new Item for finishing I have added to the mix.  It is a poly/rayon mix 1/2" ribbon that when wet crinkles-hence crinkle ribbon.  The product is sold crinkled when I dye it and can be ironed to be flat.  I do have some of the ribbon dyed from the Manufacturer that is not can drop it in hot water and let it dry and it will crinkle if that is the effect that you are looking for....

So, for the New Year-let me introduce Italian Custard, Hot Santa and Honey Whiskey Crinkle ribbon.  Mater Samich will be out this week.  More to come!!!

Italian Custard-I love this mellow buttery color.  It reminds me of faded Victorian clothing or textiles.  It has always been one of my fav colors.

Now-who would not swoon over this red hot number!!!!  Hot Santa is for anytime of the year you need a popping red.

Honey Whiskey-what can I say-it does not stay in stock-either in linen, velvet, pom pom or any other product.  It is a great yellow/golden color. 

There is so much you can do with this ribbon.  Couch it down, Rouche it, use it as a tie for a Huswife, needlebook--I could just keep going.

I love this new product and you need to keep your eye out for it debuting in a new design.

I hope you had a wonderful holiday and may 2022 be the beginning of you being empowered to take over your own destiny.  From my family to your's may this be a time to regroup and make great personal things happen.
