'Virtue on Display' is an orginial design from Dames of the Needle/Finger Work. This is a former class piece that was inspired from the Girlhood Samplers from New England from the 1790's. The verse:
Virtue on Display
As I sew mark for all to see
My virtue is displayed for thee
When I am gone and in my grave
I hope my bones do misbehave
To err a show of mystery
I composed the verse with a willful little girl in mind. I imagined her with messy hair and really not interested in her handwork nor was she interested in becoming a prim and proper young lady. I gave her the courage to dare dream that her bones would and her ghost would be able to 'misbehave' and do the things that she was forbidden to do whilst she was held captive in a boarding school.
The sampler was stitched on Legacy Linen 34 count Wren Wing from Access Commodities www.accesscommodities.com/. The threads are from The Gentle Art www.thegentleart.com/ and Weeks Dye Works www.weeksdyeworks.com/. The sampler is approximately 7 3/4" x 6 3/4".
There are a variety of stitches on the sampler. Counted Stem Stitch, Stem Stitch, Chain Stitch, Fly Stitch, Palastrina Knot over one, Cross Stitch over one and over two, Tent Stitch, Cheque Scotch, Padded Satin, Colonial Knot, Button Hole Stitch Wrapped Bar, Couched Stitch, Long Arm Cross and Alycia Lace over one. The piece combines surface embroidery with counted thread work.
The piece will be released by next week by Hoffman Distributing Company www.hoffmandis.com and Norden Craft www.nordencrafts.com/.
Please support your local needlework shops for this chart and all your stitching supplies.