Happy Thanksgiving to all of my American friends-Hello and hugs to all my other friends all over the world. May we find time to be kind to ourselves and others during this season.
Scar and Zola-hanging out in the dining room....I think Zola wants Scar to get his own bed....what do you think???

Turkey ready for finishing touches.
Turkey with seasoning....
Tom Turkey in the oven....
Cornbread ready for dressing....
One tree set-Starbuck's tree all decorated. Been collecting for over 6 years...may have to get a second Starbuck's tree soon....
Pumpkins freshly slaughtered yesterday and pies made with the help of Miguel and Isabelle....
Hope all are having a good holiday. Holidays can be stressful, happy, sad, lonely and overwhelming. Take a moment and breath.....I hope that you enjoy the moment anyway that you can. My heart goes out to all of you that maybe experiencing this holiday for the first or more without a loved one around. I am sending you a hug and a prayer....
Hope that if you cannot be with your 'family' you are with people you love and trust and can enjoy a meal even if it is simply just an everyday meal today....
Take care and hugs! Ebeth