Thursday, December 12, 2013
I would like to thank everyone who took the time to read the blog and to enter the contest. I waited to hear back from the winners before I posted their names on the blog. Carol Todd from Illinois, Debbie Brotzman from Maryland, and Elaine Murphy from Ireland are the winners.
Isa finished with her finals!!! It was her first time taking finals at University. This was also a special time for her-she is still in High School. She is completing two years of High School and two years of University at the same time. So Miguel and I are very proud of her for making it through her first semester with A/B.
May all of you have a very Blessed Holiday. Please stay posted-for new colors and designs. I have a new color coming out the first of the year and also a new design! Also do not forget that TNNA Nashville Winter Market is just around the corner and there will be lots of new designs flying out on to the shelves in your local needlework shops.
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Stitcher's Village Day 10-
I left the contest open till this morning so anyone that was not on Central time could enter the contest. Isa has exams at University today and when she gets home we will put the names in a pot and will pull out three lucky winners.
I want to thank all of you for participating. I so wish that I could send all of you a prize! Thank you for all of your lovely notes and compliments that you attached with your entries.
I want to wish all of you and your families a wonderful and peaceful holiday and may 2014 be a blessed year for all.
Monday, December 9, 2013
The Stitchers' Village Day 10 Activity for the 12 Days of Chrismas Event
It is my pleasure to host the 10th day for the 12 Days of Christmas for The Stitchers' Village! there will be 3 winners. You will get a Beehive Chart. which included the hand dyed chenille to stitch this quaint piece. A Merry Stitching Chart Which is a Pin Round that I have managed to redesign to house a pair of scissors. Last but not least a set of a random color of my choice of trim the set will include one hand dyed chenille, 1/4" Rick Rack, 1/2" Rick Rack and 1" Rick Rack.
Please email me at and put the name of the company that I have started that is now dyeing the new trim. 'Hint'-think Summer. Read through the posts and you will find the name. Please put your address in the body of the email so I can send you the package. I will let you know on the 11th if you have won.
My daughter, Isa will pick three lucky winners.
Thank you for participating. Ebeth
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Aggregator is usually defined as a website or computer software that compiles information from multiple online sources. The purpose of collecting this information can range from compiling it to sell to others, use for new sources, gathering data for polling information, reviews of products or services, watch for trends in various searches on search engines, collecting information from social media networking services, and collecting and organizing online video sources. In its true form this definition does not acknowledge that a single person could be an aggregator. The process has to be done electronically.
As we know things can morph and change. It has been acknowledged that a single person can be thought of as an aggregator. With the changes in Social Media this has made this change in the definition of the word happen. Yes, the software is still capturing the information, but a specific person is now driving the collection of the information from different sources then grinding and pushing it out to others. If their style is interesting and varied enough they start to get enough of a following that they can expand on their data collection base and can churn out more data to more people. The cycle keeps repeating and keeps growing.
In the past couple of months it has been pointed out that my new role, one of the many that I seem to take on, is that of an aggregator of information. My Facebook page is a wealth of information. I have ‘Friends’ all over the world and the information that I am getting and re-sharing is amazing. I do not always get to research all that I share, but I put it out there for others to enjoy and leave it up to them to do further research if they are interested in a subject matter.
I have people privately emailing, messaging me and talking to me when I am at tradeshows or teaching and telling me that they love the information that I share. They tell me that they are telling people to sign up on my page to see all of the information that I churn out. I take my role as a sharer of information seriously. I share equally for all parties. If I get information from a shop to pass on I will share for all shops. I do so for all designers and for all projects. I try to not my personal touch on the information, buy hey we are all human and I do every once in a while interject my side. I try not to offend, but we are all human….
In my long winded way of getting to the point, I am writing about this subject on my blog to let people know that I am taking this position seriously. I have a planned stay in at home so that I can dye, design, get ready for market, submit to magazines, work on new teaching pieces and just plan take a breather! I am going to work on media networking and this new role as aggregator of information to see if in a small way I can help our industry. Please help by passing on information to my Facebook, Twitter or email me personally with classes, workshops, retreats, specials, releases, ideas, cool pictures of finished pieces or anything that you think would be of interest that I can pass on to others. Please let others know about what is going on so that as a whole we can reach more people and stay informed.
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Collaboration with Needle Bling Designs
I am so excited to have just finished working with Theresa Curry and Brian Stugelmayer of Needle Bling Designs, LLC to create this new piece- Bling from the Cauldron. This piece is way to cute. Theresa and Brian did all the work and we have to thank Sandy Niemeier for stitching the model for us. It will be released at the TNNA Fall Market and will be available in stores next week. The Chenille comes with the chart so you ready to 'Bling' your piece! ebeth
Again I have been MIA
When I decided to start dyeing-not literally....but literally I did not know I would go MIA this summer. I have worked out the kinks of getting the supplies on hand. It seems that I was not speaking trim language....but now I am. It has been so fun creating the colors. I am off to St. Charles for the TNNA Fall Market. This is From the Cauldron's debut to the public. It has been seen through Hoffman Distribution this summer, but not in person at a show. I come home and then go back to St. Charles to teach at Celebrations of Needlework. I am teaching Zen Rabbit Purse and Dauphin House Sewing Box There is still room in the classes so sign up if you would like to take these wonderful classes. I have new pieces being released at market! More information to come!!!!
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
YEAH! The trim is on its way to Hoffman!
I am sending my first two orders out today!!!! Shepherd's Needle and Hoffman Distributing Company. The trim has gone out to several designers so hopefully you will see designs coming out with the trim. I have a dye schedule set and production is Sherlock might say...I hope to post more pictures in the next couple of days. Ebeth
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
New Colors!

Saturday, June 15, 2013
Scorched Linen
Here is Scorched Linen. It reminds me of foxing on linen or old antique cotton clothing.
More to come....ebeth
Mild Chili
Here is Mild Chili. It is a bit on the spicy side, but not too bright. I can imagine green peppers and some yellows added to it to make a very festive mixture. Keep an eye out more colors to be posted as they are being packaged.
Friday, June 14, 2013
Announment from Dames of the Needle/Finger Work
I have been teasing everyone over the past couple of week through Facebook personal and business. I am now ready to let you know what is going on. For the past couple of years I have been starting to teach dyeing and painting in my classes. A unique opportunity presented itself to me a month or so ago and it lead me down the path to make the decision to start dyeing trims for the retail market. I have been blessed with the positive response to this decision. I will be designing, teaching and dyeing for the company. I hope that all of you share in my with out further explination..... Dames of the Needle/Finger Work would like to announce a new sister company 'From the Cauldron'. From the Cauldron will be offering hand dyed trims.
There are 10 colors at the moment and I will be posting pictures of the trims over the next couple of days. Here are the names Apple Green, Silver, Toasted Meringue, Sunny Side Up, Scorched Linen, Sea Foam, Almost Red, Mild Chili, Watermelon Juice and NM Turquoise. And no-Isa and I were not a bit hungry when came up with the names of the trims. At the moment the trims are going to be offered 1/4" Rick Rack, 1/2" Rick Rack, 1" Rick Rack and Chenille. Retail packaging will be in 3 yard lenghts. Hoffman Distribution has graciously agreed to be the distributor for this line. Retail trade please contact Hoffman Distribution or Dames of the Needle for more information. Keep a look out for designs with the trims and the release of the product.
I excited and nervous about this new adventure. I look forward to watching this new seed and the fruition of what it sews....ebeth
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
New things happening at Dames of the Needle/Finger Work
For those of you that are on my Facebook personal and Dames of the Needle-I have hinted that there are new things brewing. Well as most of you know I am a kinda TMI kinda gal. So here is a picture as a hint of what is going on in my basement. I am brewing up some new products and I will be releasing them in the next couple of weeks. Please stay tuned for the whole scoop....
Happy Stitching and think color, finishing and trims.....Ebeth
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Hello and some Teasers
I know that it is almost summer and we are all quite ready for the warmer weather. Especially our friends out west and north who have had snow in May. May we all send our prayers and good thoughts to all of people that were hit with the recent tornadoes. My heart goes out to them. I just wanted to post a little teaser to peak interest in new releases that will be coming out soon. I have a couple of designs that will be coming out in the next few issues of Just Cross Stitch Magazine. I will be releasing a new series at the TNNA St. Charles Fall Show that will go with the piece in Just Cross Stitch. Think fall, pumpkins, mono colors, cats and witches.....I am excited about this series. It is quite different from my other designs.....Imagine this NO OVER got it-. I will be posting more as we get closer to the release date. Mean while I have a couple of things that will be coming out in a couple of weeks, I hope-as long as I can keep on schedule. The kids are getting out of school and that always takes a week or so to get into a routine and adjusting to everyone being under foot. Well, I am off to finish up on an order. Take care and take a moment to do something just for you. I hope that everyone has a safe and relaxing Memorial Day. Ebeth
Monday, May 13, 2013
Interesting information
I hope that Deb Koch will forgive me....but I am going to toot her horn for her. If you have not met this lovely lady check out her store Stitches N Things in Fenton Michigan. But that is not the horn that I am tooting....Deb has found needle felting and has gone to town with this fiber art. Here is a picture of Deb at work- and an image of Hip Hop Cow.

Deb sells her pieces on Etsy. Her shop is DebFeltIt. If you get a moment check out her felted items. They are way tooooooo cute.
Love you Deb!
May needles always have a place in your day and life. Go create some wonderful images and items.

Shipment to Attic Needle
I just sent an order out for a small wool applique kit that I designed as a teaching piece for TNNA to Jean Lee at Attic Needle in Mesa, Arizona. They should be getting the kit by mid week. It is a wonderful piece that has a quaint acorn and leaf appliqued onto a small Lambswool Linen biscornu. The kit comes with everything you need to complete the project including the wool roving to stuff the piece. Contact Attic Needle if you are interested in purchasing the kit.
Please drop by things are coming.
OMG forgot to say congratulations to Attic Needle for finding a new home for the shop and the hard work they went through to move and re-open. If you are local-drop in and say hello and check out the new space. If you are not local-just check out the web and sign up for their newsletter so you can see what is going on in their new space.

Working and Designing
Well, I am in town for almost a month....I would say that I do not know what to do with myself, but we are facing the end of a school year and the mad rush to finish all that has not been done before the last bell rings. Then the usual where did the summer go schedule of camps and hopefully visiting family and getting ready to go back to school.
Well I will be posting peek show and tell for the next couple of weeks with new designs, teases of upcoming magazine pieces and a new venture that I am working on starting....No I am not going to stop designing and teaching.....I am exploring adding on to my company...just keep watching for more information to come.
Have a great stitching day!
Monday, May 6, 2013
Home again, Home again-jiggity jig-jig
The trip home from Celebrations was uneventful. That is a good thing. I got unpacked and got orders out for my twisted cording system. I met so many wonderful ladies and my classes were just great. We got to paint, stitch laugh, learn and have fun! I will post more about the classes and up coming designs in the next few days. I even hope to have a few moments to breath and to start working on putting new items up on my website.
TTFN ebeth
Monday, April 29, 2013
Introducing Rabbit Hole Farm

Almost there! Nashua here I come...
Packing and packing. I hope it will all fit. I have all the kits together for the classes...Three Lives, Maritime Sewing Box, Zen Rabbit Purse and Dauphin House Sewing Box. I have been cutting matte board for days...good thing Dick Blick's is around the corner. Going back this afternoon to get a few paints and exacto blades to pack. Printing all the charts and checking the supplies and making sure I have everything for the classes. I feel like the child from the story-instead of sugar plums dancing around in my head-I have linen, scissors, magnets, buttons, double sided tape and so on.
I cannot wait to teach my Round Robin. If I must say so myself it is way too cute!!!! I redesinged a needle roll to have a hole in the top so it can hold scissors....and of course there is a twist. We will be playing with walnut stain. You know me-paint it, stain it or just grunge it up....I will post a picture hopefully be for I leave.
I also have a new piece that will be posted before I will make it's debut in Nashua. Rabbit Hole Farm. I posted a picture on my Facebook a week or so ago while it was in the process of being birthed. It is desinged to house a pair of Rabbit Scissors that come from Tooltron Scissors. Way too fun. This will be a series with some whimsical scenes...but more about that later.
Hope to see you in Nashua, New Hampshire this week! Travel safe!
If you are not going I hope you have a great time stitching and a wonderful week.
I cannot wait to teach my Round Robin. If I must say so myself it is way too cute!!!! I redesinged a needle roll to have a hole in the top so it can hold scissors....and of course there is a twist. We will be playing with walnut stain. You know me-paint it, stain it or just grunge it up....I will post a picture hopefully be for I leave.
I also have a new piece that will be posted before I will make it's debut in Nashua. Rabbit Hole Farm. I posted a picture on my Facebook a week or so ago while it was in the process of being birthed. It is desinged to house a pair of Rabbit Scissors that come from Tooltron Scissors. Way too fun. This will be a series with some whimsical scenes...but more about that later.
Hope to see you in Nashua, New Hampshire this week! Travel safe!
If you are not going I hope you have a great time stitching and a wonderful week.
Monday, April 15, 2013
Back again
Hey, yes it has been awhile. Had the holidays and some hectic life going on. But it is all good. Started the year off with Nashville and teaching for the Huntsville Alabama EGA guild. Now I am getting ready for Celebrations in Nashua May 1, 2013. I am teaching Three Lives, Dauphin House, Zen Rabbit and Maritime Sewing Box. There are a few slots open for these pieces so sign up if you are interested. I hope to see you there! Ebeth

Three Lives
Maritime Sewing Box
Zen Rabbit Sewing Purse
Dauphin House
See you there!

New Release for Little House from Norden Craft

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