So, since I am not growing my beloved fruit this summer-I am growing it in other ways. I am in the midst of a rampage (one might say) of creating strawberries. My obsession for hunting down finds and re-purposing them has moved to another level. As you can see above the starts of one of my make 'dos' and here is the end result of one of the stands.
I think it is the cutest yet. It will be listed on my Etsy this weekend. It will join the other make 'dos' I have already listed.
As I posted on my business Facebook page I have also discovered the new milk paint products....I am now looking at items in the house that will be attacked and changed. My dining room table and chairs along with my kitchen set are on the slate to be redecorated.
I just got some cute items from Goodwill and have them in the studio with cans of paints and other magical products ready to be attacked this weekend.
Do not worry trims, linens and velvet are stacked up in the dye studio along with a couple of new stitching designs are all in the queue.
The torrid rain has stopped for the moment, so I am off to get a dye bath or two done. Then more designing, creating and listing.
I want to thank you for all your support. I appreciate all of you-and please, please send pictures of your creations. I love to see what you do with my products.
Happy creating. Ebeth