I have been very busy here dyeing and designing. I have several new pieces that will be released in the next couple of months. I have been busy adding new colors and products to the 'finishing' part of my company. I am excited to announce that I have started dyeing cotton velvet. I have 8 colors which 6 are shown below. I am expanding my linen line and will have a new color coming out in a month or so. It is Ole' Ginny Tobaca and it is a very subtle greenish/brownish color. I have also decided to start doing limited runs on new colors in linen. I will explain more about this when I release these colors. The first one will be The Magical Mystery Tour of Color. I will keep you posted on this new venture.
There are two wholesale shows coming up that I am getting ready for. One is an online show http://needleworkshow.com which is a wholesale show. Dates for the first show of 2016 will be February 1-3. Then there is the Needlework show in Nashville the beginning of March 2016. This is again a wholesale show. I will be releasing new Pom Pom colors, Velvet colors and charts for the shows.
I have had quite a few requests for swatches/samples of product and colors. I would love to be able to do this but there are two factors that prohibit this. 1-not enough time to get these pulled together. 2-too expensive and cumbersome to pull together and try to ship out. So-I have made some scans of the products. I am going to post them here and when my website is up and running again the product will be on that also.

Please note that the products are hand dyed and the color may vary. Please contact me at rococo4ebeth@hotmail.com with questions about shops that carry the products and any other questions about my products.
Do not forget to follow me on FaceBook-I have flash sales for the velvet and odds and ends of product that are cut wrong or samples that cannot be sold to the shops for retail sales. The sales are usually on Sunday night and once during the week.
May this be a prosperous and peaceful year for all. Thank you for your support and I look forward to creating more products and colors that will inspire you for years to come.