Well, the children and I managed to survive the holidays without an oven and heat....interesting times. Then an unexpected move-that was wild, finding a new home during the holidays and moving without time to pack. Then as most of the world saw-hit by two snow storms....that was fun. We are still moving into the new home. Our 'fill in' stuff and my work supplies are in storage till we can find room. I am living without a basement for the first time in over 20 years and that is an interesting adjustment. I will probably have to keep some things in storage, so I will need to figure out how to adjust....or I can kick Isa out and take over her bedroom.....laughing.
Well, I am off on my first trip since last year. Quite the interesting adventure since my suitcases were still in the storage unit under a pile of boxes that I did not want to go through. But I am almost pack and ready to leave early dark hundred tomorrow March 14th, 2014. I am flying out to teach at
A Thread Garden and I am doing my Shaker vs Quaker lecture for the Orange Cost Sampler Guild on Monday the 17th....I better wear green....and then I am off to Houston to teach at the
3 Stitches March Retreat. You can contact these groups and see if there is any room to squeeze you in for any of the classes...

The dye is cast is being taught at A Thread Garden and

the Quaker Scissor Fob and the Pin Round is being taught at Orange Coast Sampler Guild. I cannot show a picture of the piece I am teaching at 3 Stitches retreat, because it is a surprise, but you can only get it at the retreat and trust me.....it is wayyyyy to cute!!!
Well, I am off to run around like a mad person till I leave.....ebeth